

Welcome to the World of Bala. We’re on a mission to empower everyone to move; through creativity and self-expression.

Together, our growing community of #BalaBabe(s) are redefining what it means to be fit. And looking absolutely fabulous doing so.

You’re in great company – tag #BalaBabe to join the movement!


Every day, you inspire us. Every month, we’ll feature a new #BalaBabe.
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Anna Herrin

Anna Herrin is a model, certified yoga & barre instructor, and founder of The Studio EMS. Anna has spent over a decade working with fashion and fitness brands like Free People, Revolve, Daily Drills, Lulu’s, Bala, and many more! If you shop online, you’ve definitely seen her face. Working out is in her DNA – her mom is a yoga instructor and her dad is an Ironman athlete – and she’s always trying out the latest in fitness, beauty, and wellness tools to see what works. She’s passionate about educating others and giving them the tools to find confidence in themselves.

What do you love most about movement?
The way that movement can rewire your brain has always blown my mind!
For me, movement is the quickest and most effective way to shift your energy. No one has ever moved their bodies and regretted it. If you’re in a funk, do an inversion, if you have unresolved negative feelings, do some jumping jacks. I really believe that movement is the hack to understanding our psyche, and getting to know ourselves in an intimate way.

How do you describe yourself in three words?

Compassionate, Inclusive, and a Forever Student.

Daily mantra or personal motto?
“I get to….”

For example: be here, do this, have this set of problems, feel this way in my body, have this conversation, do this mundane task, sit in traffic, deal with this problem…whatever it is, “I GET to do it.”

I always remind myself that at any given time  the alternative to what I’m doing could be SO much worse. If I'm at a hard workout, that means everything is calm enough in my life that “I get to” take an hour to myself. If I’m dealing with an issue at The Studio EMS, “I get to” resolve this issue, because “I get to” run a business with my best friend.

This motto has shifted the way I do life. Our lives can change in a split second, we all know it, so when things are normal and going well, I try to remind myself that I get to be having this experience, and I shouldn’t take it for granted!

Any wellness secrets?

I try to do almost everything in my life with an intention. Having a “why” that is important to you will make everything flow so much easier!

This might be controversial, but I gaslight myself all day. My friends joke that I’m doing mental gymnastics all the time, and it's kind of true. I believe that we generally get to choose how we want to experience the world. Even if I’m not in a great mood, I try to make myself choose to find the positive, and have gratitude for whatever I’m experiencing. Even if I don't fully believe it in the moment, if I keep reminding myself to choose joy, I can eventually get myself there! Might sound crazy, but I swear it works!

Also, sweating! Hot yoga, sauna/sauna blanket, a hard workout. Sweating will change your life. There is something about that detox that makes me feel so mentally and physically light. I love it!

Any wellness guru’s you look up to?

Honestly my mom Beryl Herrin. She’s been a yoga teacher my whole life, all of her movement is rooted in anatomy, she has never stopped working on herself, she runs the mindfulness department at University of Pennsylvania, and she’s just an overall self reflective bad ass.

What I’ve taken from her is you can never stop learning and growing. I think so many people make it to a certain age and think they have it figured out, but we’re living in a world that is ever evolving and changing, and she has shown me how important it is to not just get stuck in one place, with one perspective.

My mom has studied a lot with Martha Beck, and I think she is an incredible resource for learning how to call out your own internal thoughts. My mom has been taking my sister and I on retreats with her since we were really young, and I feel so lucky to have had that exposure at such an early age, thanks mom.

Favorite go-to snack or healthy meal?

Food is my ultimate joy, I could go on forever. This is one of the weirdest things about me, but I eat so much chicken. I'm not particularly thrilled about saying that, but it's true. Putting some chicken thighs on a sheet pan with potatoes, onions, chickpeas, and whatever seasoning has become a weekly meal for me. I love to serve it with some spiced greek yogurt. So easy, salty, and satisfying.

I also love to copy the Erewhone white bean, kale, and avocado salad. I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve that as a craving, but thank you body! It’s so simple, and SO good!

I'm also just big on moderation and actually eating what you enjoy. For example, if  you're craving french fries, don’t eat a pile of fried cauliflower. Chances are you'll just have a stomach ache, and still want the french fries. I really try to eat what I want using logic, and understanding how things feel in my body. I always say that if you pay attention, your body will always tell you!

Healthy Dinners

Erewhon Salad Copy

Can you share one part of your morning or evening routine that you can’t live without?
I've started filling up a big bottle in the morning (I surrendered to the Stanley), with a ton of ice, filtered water, a scoop of electrolytes (I like perfect aminos watermelon flavor), an oxygen tablet (also from perfect aminos), and a scoop of colostrum (I like Armra).

I drink this before coffee/before I go to a workout, and use it to take my morning probiotic (I like Seed).  After I’ve had that little morning “cocktail” I feel pretty accomplished and set up for success. I’m really big on starting small with your habits. Just committing to drinking water every morning is a big one! Might sound overly simple, but we all know how hard it is to build a new healthy habit!

Favorite weighted move?
I love bridges! I know that sounds silly, but wow do I love working out while laying down (lol). I put on some good music, grab some heavy weights to put on my hips (love the bala bar), and just lift and lower/pulse until I’m shaking. I love the way this movement isolates the muscle group so you can really focus on the mind to muscle connection.

All effort should be in the glutes and hamstrings, which means the jaw should be relaxed, the shoulders should be away from the ears. Any time I’m working out I think of what I can engage more, and where I can relax so I have full effort on the move I’m doing. Generally my core can turn on more, and my shoulders and jaw can take a break!

Mind to muscle connection

Favorite piece/s of Bala equipment and why?
I’m a bangle girl for life! I seriously love them, and you can ask pretty much anyone in my network; I've given them a set of bangles with a way I think they should use them. For example my friend who's a stylist: I got her a set of the one pound bangles, and told her to wear them to work while she was on set styling people. Such a sneaky way of getting in a little burn. It might not seem like a lot, but it makes a difference! I love wearing them for so many different activities: walking the dog, folding clothes, doing my hair, cooking, dancing, and of course an extra challenge for any workout.

Anna Herrin

Kemberly Deane

Meet Kemberly, a dedicated Pilates and Sound Healing guide ready to support you on your wellness journey. Her passion for Pilates ignited during a pivotal moment in life—her postpartum recovery after welcoming her first child. Through the challenges and triumphs of new motherhood, Pilates emerged as a source of strength and healing.

What do you love most about movement?
What I love most about movement is how essential it is to every function of our everyday life.

How do you describe yourself in three words?

A girl's, girl.

Daily mantra or personal motto?
The sky is the limit, dream big!

Any wellness secrets?

Dry brushing and collagen for healthy skin elasticity!

Any wellness guru’s you look up to?

My girl Trish Pogue, founder of Toned Power and Brianna Thompson founder of Spiked Spin!

Favorite go-to snack or healthy meal?

Carrot Sticks and hummus for a quick snack and ground turkey lettuce wraps for a healthy meal!

Can you share one part of your morning or evening routine that you can’t live without?
Morning skincare routine with a protein banana berry protein shake and wrapping my hair before bed!

Favorite weighted move?
Side-lying leg series with the Bala bangles around my ankles, such a great booty burn!

Favorite piece/s of Bala equipment and why?
Bala bangles because they are soo versatile!

Kemberly Deane
@kemberlydeane | @kinfolkpilates

Kara Liotta

Celebrity trainer, master instructor, fitness model and founder of KKSWEAT

What do you love most about movement?
I love the energetic & endorphin high I get when I work out, particularly when teaching KKSWEAT, and love to share that energy with everyone in my classes.

How do you describe yourself in three words?

Vibrant, Driven, Goofy

Why did you open KKSWEAT?
Up until 2020, I was the Creative Director of FlyBarre at Flywheel Sports. KKSWEAT was born out of both passion and necessity, when my partner Kate Hickl and I were both laid off from Flywheel in the beginning of the pandemic, after working for the company for over a decade. We made a huge and quick pivot and launched KKSWEAT in one weekend on Zoom. Four years NYC studio, livestream + On Demand, and a team working with us, and the rest is history!

Favorite Bala Bangle move?

I love using the bangles for arm work, specifically light weight shoulders, which are a KKSWEAT classic!

Any wellness secrets?

Add walking into your daily routine. I would have never guessed how much walking would change my body and mental state, and now I pretty much won't miss a day of getting in a minimum of 10k steps! It's so grounding for me, and I also notice my body looks the best (and in turn I FEEL the best) when I'm upping my step count.

Can you share one part of your morning or evening routine that you can’t live without?

Morning coffee (black) and a walk, listening to my playlist for that day's classes. This energizes me, but also allows me to focus on my KKSWEAT workouts & prep for the day!
In the evenings, I love to relax on the couch and have tea. I usually go with something sweet & delicious (Egyptian licorice), calming (Bedtime), or digestion promoting (Ginger).

Favorite piece/s of Bala equipment and why?
Definitely the bangles! I use them in nearly every KKSWEAT workout, and love to wear them on my wrists in addition to holding hand weights. They're quick and easy to use and produce the best (not to mention CHIC) burn!

Kara Liotta
@karaliotta | kksweat

Remy Kam

Certified Trainer and Fitness Founder of KORE

What do you love most about movement?
I love how it can make people feel and how it has the ability to turn your day around. Movement can be the reason we get out of a negative thought or into a creative flow. It can connect people to each other and more deeply to themselves. It’s therapy, magic, and connection to me!

How do you describe yourself in three words?

Energetic, Passionate, Loyal

Daily mantra or personal motto? 

Life is happening for you, not to you

Favorite go-to snack or healthy meal?

My favorite thing in the world is fresh sourdough from the farmer’s market with different toppings. I always opt for a fat and protein on top to keep my blood sugar balanced and hunger satiated. Sometimes it is avocado and eggs for more savory, and sometimes it’s nut cheese or butter and honey and fruit for the days I want something sweet!

Can you share one part of your morning or evening routine that you can’t live without?

Movement and sunshine! That doesn’t always have to be an intense workout especially if it’s in the evening, but I love to walk and try to commit to getting outside daily. It’s a great low impact and social way to move, and it’s a good way to decompress and get clear in my thoughts. Every weekend on my fitness platform Kore, I recommend different podcasts for my community to listen to on their Kore walks. PSA to add your bala bangles to uplevel :)

Favorite weighted move?

Tie between handstand and Childs pose!

Favorite piece/s of Bala equipment and why?

I almost always include a bridge or single leg bridge variation in my low impact or Pilates workouts on Kore. I love how this involves holistic engagement of multiple muscle groups, while being supportive and really firing into those glutes. Plus you can do so many fun and creative variations!

Favorite piece/s of Bala equipment and why?
This one is a tie between the Pilates Ball and Bangles. I love the ball because it challenges stability while also providing support for deep core engagement. The bangles are so functional, aesthetic, and an extra spice to any movement. Now that there’s 3lb bangles, I can’t wait to really focus on building more strength!

Remy Kam
@remykam | Kore

Miki Ash

What do you love most about movement?
I love how present it makes me feel! It is such a relief to get out of the busyness of my mind and into the feeling sensations of my body!

How do you describe yourself in three words?

Loving, creative, embodied

Daily mantra or personal motto? 

I effortlessly receive all that I desire

Any wellness secrets?

Have grace with yourself. There is so much pressure to do everything all of the time, but we are a part of nature and everything has its season, including you! It’s important to rest, hibernate and reset before that movement and growth phase!

Can you share one part of your morning or evening routine that you can’t live without?

Lately I have been reading as much as I can! It feels so good to engage my imagination in a different way and give myself time off of my screen.

Favorite yoga move?

Tie between handstand and Childs pose!

Favorite piece/s of Bala equipment and why?

I will always love the Bala Bangles for how cute and versatile they are!! I am also a huge fan of the hourglass foam roller. My back thanks me every time I use it.

Miki Ash

Trish Pogue

What do you love most about movement?
Movement to me is like unlocking a treasure chest of possibilities. It's not just about getting stronger physically; it's about feeling more alive, more connected, and more empowered. Through Pilates, I've seen firsthand how movement can truly transform lives, and that's what keeps me coming back for more.

Daily mantra or personal motto? 

My daily mantra, "Elevate through Movement," it encapsulates my dual mission: to uplift my community through the transformative power of movement and to propel myself and my business forward by embracing agility and decisive action. Through movement, I not only empower others to enhance their well-being but also strive to elevate myself and my business to reach new heights and impact more lives with intention.

Favorite Pilates move? 

When it comes to my favorite Pilates move, I have to say the Corkscrew steals the show for me. There's something about the dynamic twisting and spiraling motion that really lights up my core and gets my whole body engaged. It's like dancing on the mat while sculpting those deep abdominal muscles. Plus, mastering the fluidity of the Corkscrew always leaves me feeling accomplished and ready to take on whatever comes my way.

Favorite piece/s of Bala equipment and why?

I adore the Bala Bars for their versatility and effectiveness in adding resistance to my Pilates workouts. They allow me to target specific muscle groups with precision while providing a low-impact, joint-friendly workout experience. Plus, their portability makes them perfect for both studio and at-home workouts, so I can stay connected with my community with invigorating workouts wherever I go.

Trish Pogue

Meghan McFerran

MeghanMcFerranis a fitness entrepreneur, Alo Moves Instructor, professional dancer and creator of Glisten, a dance-inspired sculpt class that serves as a celebration rather than a workout. 


What’s your favorite way to play?
My favorite way to play is an outdoor workout. A hike or a boxing session on the beach.


Tell us about a special female relationship in your life? 

My mom is incredible. Even after having 5 kids, she is so patient, so giving and so kind. When we were younger she would always tell us that we are here on Earth to help someone have a better day, and I try to live by that every day. 


How do you describe yourself in three words? 

Bubbly, fierce, confident.


Daily mantra or personal motto?

Let's get it, let's go!


Any secrets to GLISTEN daily?

Move with joy and in celebration of yourself! Love your ever-changing body as it is today, and whether you are in your pjs or in a cute bright colored set, show up for yourself. You will never regret a Glisten class, I always feel a million times better and more confident for my day post-glistening.


Favorite pilates move?

I love any side lying glute series, we call them side cheeks in Glisten! It's great because you can lay down but still get an incredible workout, I add bala bangles on my ankles sometimes too! 


Favorite pieces of Bala equipment and why?

Bala bars are my absolute favorite! I use them to spice up any ab, arm, leg or cheeks movement in class, and they're so cute too! 


—Meghan McFerran

Brandon Perry

At a young age Brandon began his career in ballroom dance where he was able to compete, perform and travel the world with various studios and university performance teams. He graduated from Brigham Young University with a bachelors in Family Life and Social Science. It was around this time that he began his own personal journey into the world of Pilates. He was drawn to Pilates because of its cross training capabilities and emphasis on balance in the body. With his background in dance, Brandon approaches his Pilates and instructional training with the idea of developing the core and center balance in the body. He finds Pilates to be the most effective form of exercise for cross training, rehabilitation and overall improvement of physical and mental wellbeing. Three years ago Brandon moved to Los Angeles to pursue his teaching career where he trains at the Alo Wellness Gym and a roster of private clients from his home studio in West Hollywood.

What are you thankful for this month?
I’m thankful for my gratitude journal! Lately, a repeated pattern in my journal has been my thankfulness for a clearer vision. It’s so easy to get lost and bored in our day to day life and lose focus on what's really important to us personally. But writing in my gratitude journal has helped me maintain a clear focus on what really matters to me in life and to keep striving towards that.


How do you describe yourself in three words?
Creative + Tenacious + Stubborn :)


Favorite jam/artist/album currently?
My summer jams have been all things disco! My two favorite bands lately have been Poolside and Jungle.


Daily mantra or personal motto?
What you think about, you bring about!


Any secrets for a great sleep?
My go to for a good night sleep is a magnesium supplement to calm down and relax and then turning on white noise to drown out any background disturbances.


Go-to pilates move?
My FAVORITE (and coincidentally all my clients) is to workout lower body. So lunges in multiple variations and angles are a staple in my own training as well as my private clients.


Favorite piece of Bala equipment and why?
My favorite piece of Bala equipment would definitely be the bangles. Addling those bad boys will enhance your workout just that much more and makes for a more fun and challenging workout!


—Brandon Perry

Ruth Bruno

Ruth is the founder of Ruth Pilates Studio, home to a global community of bad b's focused on fun and accessible, at home classes strongly influenced by her background in modern dance, classical pilates, mobility and weight training. Ruth's classes are sweaty, sexy, stretchy and FUN!


How do you describe yourself in three words?
Optimistic, Empowering, Energetic


Do you have a female idol? If so, why.
My female idols are each and every female identifying member of my online studio. They are brave, warm, kind and welcoming. It’s an energetic exchange between us, even through on demand classes. They constantly uplift me and inspire me by showing up for themselves and pressing play.


Daily mantra or personal motto?
“I’M A BAD B!”


Breakdown of your morning routine?
Iced Coffee with chocolate protein powder, a long walk in Glendale with my fiance and my dog Valentino, then class creation for Ruth Pilates Studio!


One secret wellness tip you can share with us?
It’s easier than we make it out to be. Simplicity + PLAY are secret ingredients.


Go-to pilates move?
The Teaser


Favorite piece of Bala equipment?
The Play Mat Plus



—Ruth Bruno

Alysia (Pope) Ehret

How do you describe yourself in three words?
Ambitious, Confident, Positive


Favorite pre-natal pilates move?

360 Breathing for SURE! You can do it anywhere, anytime and it's insanely effective. Tutorial HERE :)


Go-to post-natal pilates move?
360 Breathing - again, it's a miracle worker. But another just for fun that is amazing too: supine (on the back), alternating toe taps from tabletop with pilates breathing is insanely effective for showing your core lots of love! Place a Bala Pilates ball underneath your tailbone for a bit more of a challenge when you're ready and it works wonders for targeting the deep core and pelvic floor.


Best part of motherhood so far?
Getting to know my baby girls and seeing them interact with each other hands down! I also feel like I'm in a whole new era of my life - one that has given me so much clarity on what is important and what's not, and that's been a huge game changer.


One secret wellness tip you can share with us?
That finding what works for YOU, owning your own bio-individuality and being ok with this changing as you evolve and grow is key!


Go-to snack when you are on-the-go?
Travel almond butter packets and an apple or banana - super simple!!


Favorite piece of Bala pilates equipment?
How can I choose?! I'll narrow it down to two, lol. The play mat because it's SO supportive and cute, too & the ball because it's so fun to level up any movement.


—Alysia (Pope) Ehret

Shannon Nadj

Highlight/best part of owning and teaching at Hot Pilates? 

My community! Helping others achieve their fitness goals is priceless.


Any advice you can share with instructors who are just getting started in their careers? 

Stay committed to learning. The journey never stops.


How do you describe yourself in three words? 

Adventurous, passionate, loving


One secret wellness tip you can share with us? 

Recovery is just as important as the workout!


Go-to snack when you are on-the-go?

I’m not a big snacker, I prefer the full meal lol. BUT if I need something on-the-go I love a smoothie. 


Favorite pilates move? 

Kneeling side-kick series, it’s challenging and works every part of the body.


Favorite piece of Bala pilates equipment? 

The Pilates ball helps me engage my core and glutes for that extra burn 


—Shannon Nadj

Annie Moves

How do you describe yourself in three words?
Movement, Energy, Creative!


What’s your favorite way to move?
I began practicing yoga about 10 years ago as a family activity with my parents, when I lived back home. While it only was a physical practice, I always felt inside of me like there was something about it that I really enjoyed, and that would keep me always going back to my mat.


Your go-to Bala product + color and why?
I'd have to say the bala bangles - and of course rainbow ones. I wear them for my weight workouts twice a week and there is not a day that goes by that I don’t get a comment about the colors and just how aesthetically pleasing and mood uplifting they are - these bangles make you smile bigger.


Favorite Yoga Pose?
My favorite yoga pose I think could be malasana or garland pose - such a great release for tension in the hips - I think it’s a pose I make sure to include in every class, no matter the intensity or level of it.


How are you celebrating National Yoga Day this year?
I celebrate and honor my practice and this sacred practice every single day of my life - so I think i’m just going to celebrate national yoga day by stepping on my mat and showing up for myself and for you, like I always do


—Annie Movies

Teneice Bowie

How do you describe yourself in three words?
Funny, assertive, passionate


What’s your favorite way to move? (hiking, strength training, etc)
Pilates of course ;)


Your go-to Bala product + color and why?
2lb Charcoal Bangles for versatility and wardrobe matching


How do you stay motivated?
I use the power of visualization to stay committed instead


Favorite forms of self-care?
Sauna, champagne and silence


Favorite Pilates Move?
Neck pull


—Teneice Bowie, Matte Pilates

FORM's Sami Clarke & Sami Bernstein

How do you describe yourself in three words? 
SC: Heart-led, compassionate, and driven!
SB: Grateful, passionate, and communicative


What’s your favorite way to move?
SC: A mix of pilates & strength training workouts!
SB: Pilates, strength training, and long walks in nature!


What are you most excited about Spring?
SC: Spring brings a fresh energy! Almost like a fresh start, spring cleaning, fresh air, and more time outside!
SB: I GET MARRIED, ahhhh what is life?!!!?!!!


Your go-to Bala product + color and why? 
SC: Bala ankle weights in sea!!
SB: My Bala Bars are my best friends! Love how they elevate every workout. The sand color is also v chic.


Current favorite snack?
SC: My protein balls!!
SB: I dream about Siete Churro Chips at all hours of the day


#1 Wellness tip or hack you can’t go a day without?
SC: Journaling!! It helps me return to gratitude & connect to myself!
SB: Start your day with movement that energizes you & leaves you ready to conquer your day!


—FORM's Sami Clarke & Sami Bernstein

Savannah Simon

How are you celebrating International Women's Day this year?
Hosting a free Zoom class in celebration of all of the inspiring women in my fitness community! 


Who is a female figure that you look up to and why?
My mom. She is also an entrepreneur, and she has taught me how to lead with fearlessness, compassion, and grace. 


What is the most important piece of advice you have been given from a female?
Start even if you don’t know how, and don’t be afraid to get messy along the way. 


How do you describe yourself in three words?
Vibrant, ambitious, creative. 


Your go-to Bala product and why?
Bala Bangles, because they add an extraordinary level of spice to any exercise. I feel naked if I’m not wearing them in class!

Your favorite workout jam?
Don’t Be so Hard on Yourself - Jess Glynne


—Savannah Simon

Taylor Almonte

How do you describe yourself in three words?
Smart, disciplined, warm.


Your go-to Bala product?
I use the Play Mat (Sand) every single day, whether I’m stretching or taking a class at home. I also love the classic Bangles (Sand) and Bala Bars (Sand) when I’m shadowboxing. I can’t wait to try out to new jump rope as well!


Tell us about your work with ACTIV-ISM?
ACTIV-ISM is an anti-racism wellness company. Our goal at ACTIV-ISM is to educate, empower and uplift marginalized folks and create an ongoing practice of accountability, instruction and exploration for their allies. Founded by myself and Kira West  in 2020, ACTIV-ISM offers a wide variety of resources and programs with the fight for racial justice at the center. Most recently, we wrote a book called “ACTIV-ATING: Your Vocabulary” which is for sale on at In "ACTIV-ATING: Your Vocabulary", we breakdown terms and demystify concepts, empowering you to feel a little more knowledgeable and a little more articulate when you have challenging dialogues.


How do you stay motivated?
Planning my day and setting my intentions the night before is the best way for me to get motivated. When I have a great morning, I know I always have a great day, so waking up with a purpose is my go-to to start motivated.


Your Favorite Part of Bala NYC?
The entire space is BEAUTIFUL, but I especially love the chair shaped like a Bala Bangle!


—Taylor Almonte
@ taylorraealmonte


Photo credit: @laceylynnseymourphoto

Maria Sharapova

How do you describe yourself in three words?
Honest, competitive, detail oriented.


What’s your favorite way to play?
My favorite way to play is an outdoor workout. A hike or a boxing session on the beach.


Your go-to Bala product?
The 2LB Bala Bangles in Sand.


How do you stay motivated?
I stay motivated by mixing up my workout routines so my body doesn’t get used to one routine or a specific set of muscle groups. I also like to challenge myself and take classes that I’m not familiar with or confident in.


Your favorite workout jam?
I love a shuffle playlist across many different genres that keeps me on my toes. Literally! If I’m working out at the end of the day, I prefer a classical artist that calmly winds down the day, both physically and emotionally.


—Maria Sharapova

OF 17

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